On vendredi 30 janvier 2009, Ron_1st wrote:
> part 0
> update the 1830 to 1834
> r...@terminator:/home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk# svn update
> Restored 'gb.gtk/src/gb.gtk/.info'
> Restored 'gb.gtk/src/gb.gtk/.list'
> Restored 'comp/src/gb.form.mdi/.list'
> Restored 'comp/src/gb.form.mdi/.info'
> Restored 'comp/src/gb.report/.list'
> Restored 'comp/src/gb.report/.info'
> Restored 'comp/src/gb.chart/.list'
> Restored 'comp/src/gb.chart/.info'
> Restored 'comp/src/gb.form/.list'
> Restored 'comp/src/gb.form/.info'
> Restored 'comp/src/gb.db.form/.list'
> Restored 'comp/src/gb.db.form/.info'
> Restored 'gb.qt/src/gb.qt/.info'
> Restored 'gb.qt/src/gb.qt/.list'
> U    app/src/gambas3/.project
> U    app/src/gambas3/FPropertyProject.form
> U    app/src/gambas3/Design.module
> U    main/gbx/gbx_exec_push.c
> U    main/gbx/gbx_eval.c
> U    main/gbx/gbx_c_collection.c
> U    main/lib/debug/debug.c
> U    main/lib/eval/eval.c
> G    gb.v4l/src/gv4l2.c
> U    gb.v4l/src/CWebcam.c
> U    gb.v4l/src/CWebcam.h
> A    gb.v4l/src/videodev2.h
> U    gb.desktop/src/gb.desktop/.settings
> A    examples/examples/Video/WebCam
> A    examples/examples/Video/WebCam/.startup
> A    examples/examples/Video/WebCam/.directory
> A    examples/examples/Video/WebCam/settings.png
> A    examples/examples/Video/WebCam/.project
> A    examples/examples/Video/WebCam/FDevice.form
> A    examples/examples/Video/WebCam/.icon.png
> A    examples/examples/Video/WebCam/FDevice.class
> A    examples/examples/Video/WebCam/camera.png
> A    examples/examples/Video/WebCam/FMain.form
> A    examples/examples/Video/WebCam/FMain.class
> Updated to revision 1834.
> Part 1 is to find out why the .info and .list files in comp/src/xxxx are
> deleted.
> under investigation
> Restored 'comp/src/gb.form.mdi/.list'
> Restored 'comp/src/gb.form.mdi/.info'
> Restored 'comp/src/gb.report/.list'
> Restored 'comp/src/gb.report/.info'
> Restored 'comp/src/gb.chart/.list'
> Restored 'comp/src/gb.chart/.info'
> Restored 'comp/src/gb.form/.list'
> Restored 'comp/src/gb.form/.info'
> Restored 'comp/src/gb.db.form/.list'
> Restored 'comp/src/gb.db.form/.info'
> I have saved those files in BACKUP place
> chmod those files in orginal place to root:root 444 (readonly!!!!)
> ./reconf-all  [OK]
> ./configure   [OK]
> make          [OK]
> <still exist info-list files>
> change from user:ron to user:root
> make install
> During make install the are simply deleted.
> Copy the BACKUP back
> cd comp
> make install
> --------------------------------------------------------------- make[1]:
> Entering directory `/home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk/comp'
> Running the informer again because of dependencies between information
> files gb
> gb.chart
> gbi3: warning: .info file not found in component archive.
> gb.compress
> gb.crypt
> gb.db
> gb.db.form
> gbi3: warning: .info file not found in component archive.
> gb.db.mysql
> gb.debug
> gb.desktop
> gb.eval
> gb.form
> gbi3: warning: .info file not found in component archive.
> gb.form.dialog
> gb.form.mdi
> gbi3: warning: .info file not found in component archive.
> gb.gtk
> gb.gtk.ext
> gb.gtk.svg
> gb.gui
> gb.image
> gb.image.io
> gb.info
> gb.net
> gb.net.curl
> gb.net.smtp
> gb.opengl
> gb.option
> gb.pcre
> gb.pdf
> gb.qt
> gb.qt.ext
> gb.qt.kde
> gb.qt.kde.html
> gb.qt.opengl
> gb.report
> gbi3: warning: .info file not found in component archive.
> gb.sdl
> gb.sdl.sound
> gb.settings
> gb.v4l
> gb.vb
> gb.web
> gb.xml
> gb.xml.rpc
> gb.xml.xslt
> Installing the components...
> Compiling gb.settings...
> OK
> Installing gb.settings...
> Compiling gb.info...
> OK
> Installing gb.info...
> Compiling gb.form...
> warning: cannot read component list file: gb.form.list
> /home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk/comp/src/gb.form/Balloon.class:5: Unknown
> identifier: Control Installing gb.form...
> /usr/bin/install: cannot stat `.info': No such file or directory
> chmod: cannot access `/usr/local/share/gambas3/info/gb.form.info': No such
> file or directory /usr/bin/install: cannot stat `.list': No such file or
> directory
> chmod: cannot access `/usr/local/share/gambas3/info/gb.form.list': No such
> file or directory
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Files are deleted
> Copy the BACKUP back
> investigate the Makefile
> The process where it happens
> -- MAKEFILE ---------------------------------------------------------------
> install-exec-local:
>       @if test "x$(ROOT)" != "x"; then \
>        echo "Installing with ROOT=$(ROOT)"; \
>          echo; \
>         fi
>       @if test "x$(DESTDIR)" != "x"; then \
>        echo "Installing with DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR)"; \
>          echo; \
>        ROOT=$DESTDIR; \
>         fi
>       @echo "Running the informer again because of dependencies between
> information files" #  @$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/gbi$(GAMBAS_VERSION) -r
> $(DESTDIR)$(prefix) @echo "Installing the components..."
>       @(cd $(srcdir)/src; d=`pwd`; for p in `cat order`; do \
>         echo "Compiling $$p..."; \
>         cd $$d/$$p; \
>         $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/gbc$(GAMBAS_VERSION) -ag -r $(DESTDIR)$(prefix); \
>         $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/gba$(GAMBAS_VERSION); \
>         rm -rf .gambas; \
>         echo "Installing $$p..."; \
>         $(INSTALL) $$p.gambas $(DESTDIR)$(gblibdir); \
>         $(INSTALL) .component $(DESTDIR)$(gblibdir)/$$p.component; \
>         chmod a-x $(DESTDIR)$(gblibdir)/$$p.component; \
>         $(INSTALL) .info $(DESTDIR)$(gbdatadir)/info/$$p.info; \
>         chmod a-x $(DESTDIR)$(gbdatadir)/info/$$p.info; \
>         $(INSTALL) .list $(DESTDIR)$(gbdatadir)/info/$$p.list; \
>         chmod a-x $(DESTDIR)$(gbdatadir)/info/$$p.list; \
>         done; true)
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> from the MAKE-DUMP I found htese lines
> 1)    @echo "Running the informer again because of dependencies between
> information files" 2) @$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/gbi$(GAMBAS_VERSION) -r
> $(DESTDIR)$(prefix) 3)        @echo "Installing the components..."
> investigate gbi3 source code
> "GAMBAS Component Informer version " VERSION " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\n"
> help line "  -r  --root <directory>     gives the gambas installation
> directory\n"
> The lines in MAKEDUMP
>    gbi3: warning: .info file not found in component archive.
> occurs in 2) so i put the # in it to prevent gbi3 can harm
> Copy the BACKUP back
> make install
> -- MAKEINSTALL2 ----------------------------------------------------
> r...@terminator:/home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk/comp# make install
> make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk/comp'
> Running the informer again because of dependencies between information
> files Installing the components...
> Compiling gb.settings...
> OK
> Installing gb.settings...
> Compiling gb.info...
> OK
> Installing gb.info...
> Compiling gb.form...
> warning: cannot read component list file: gb.form.list
> /home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk/comp/src/gb.form/Balloon.class:5: Unknown
> identifier: Control Installing gb.form...
> files deleted. shit
> change Makefile to
>       @echo "Running the informer again because of dependencies between
> information files" @echo "Destdir=$(DESTDIR) prefix=$(prefix)
> bindir=$(bindir) gbdatadir=$(gbdatadir) gblibdir=$(gblibdir)"
> @$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/gbi$(GAMBAS_VERSION) -r $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)
> mydone:
>       @echo "Installing the components..."
> mydone as exit the process.
> Copy the BACKUP back
> r...@terminator:/home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk/comp# make install
> make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk/comp'
> Running the informer again because of dependencies between information
> files Destdir= prefix=/usr/local bindir=/usr/local/bin
> gbdatadir=/usr/local/share/gambas3 gblibdir=/usr/local/lib/gambas3 gb
> gb.chart
> gbi3: warning: .info file not found in component archive.
> gb.compress
> gb.crypt
> Files not deleted.
> BUT why the gbi3 warning, the files are in place.
> Second to this is the gbi3 warnings occurs exact for only the files that
> are deleted later without the break by mydone:
>       @echo "Installing the components..."
>       @(cd $(srcdir)/src; d=`pwd`; for p in `cat order`; do \
>         echo "Compiling $$d -/- $$p..."; \
>         cd $$d/$$p; \
>         rm -rf .gambas; \
> +       cp .list my.list \
> +       cp .info my.info \
>         $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/gbc$(GAMBAS_VERSION) -ag -r $(DESTDIR)$(prefix); \
>         $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/gba$(GAMBAS_VERSION); \
> +       ls -al $$d/$$p; \
>         echo "Installing $$p..."; \
> +       cp my.list .list \
> +       cp my.info .info \
>         $(INSTALL) $$p.gambas $(DESTDIR)$(gblibdir); \
>         $(INSTALL) .component $(DESTDIR)$(gblibdir)/$$p.component; \
>         chmod a-x             $(DESTDIR)$(gblibdir)/$$p.component; \
>         $(INSTALL) .info      $(DESTDIR)$(gbdatadir)/info/$$p.info; \
>         chmod a-x             $(DESTDIR)$(gbdatadir)/info/$$p.info; \
>         $(INSTALL) .list      $(DESTDIR)$(gbdatadir)/info/$$p.list; \
>         chmod a-x             $(DESTDIR)$(gbdatadir)/info/$$p.list; \
>         echo "---------------------------------------------------"; \
>         done; true)
> With using the line:  ls -al $$d/$$p; \
> I found when placed before gbc and gba the files are still there
> placing below the files are deleted.
> Also for the componenten with the deleted files the .gambas directory
> is also empty (chekced by disable the rm -rf .gambas line.
> Adding the cp .list my.list and cp my.list .list (respectively .info)
> the files are not deleted and last part of script, the $(INSTALL) works
> correct (sofar)
> Installing gb.info...
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Compiling /home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk/comp/src -/- gb.form...
> cp: invalid option -- g
> Try `cp --help' for more information.
> total 1216
> drwxr-xr-x  8 ron ron   4096 2009-01-30 07:20 .
> drwxr-xr-x 12 ron ron   4096 2009-01-30 06:03 ..
> -rw-r--r--  1 ron ron   1989 2009-01-29 00:42 Balloon.class
> -rw-r--r--  1 ron ron   1693 2009-01-29 00:42 ColorButton.class
> -rw-r--r--  1 ron ron   1239 2009-01-29 00:42 ColorChooser.class
> and now find it is enough to use cp .list my.list
> the copy is not done but deleting is also not done
> in terminal: cp .list my.list works OK but in Makefile I get:
>   cp: invalid option -- g
>   Try `cp --help' for more information.
> adding the ; on the single cp line and files are again deleted
> So for correct working of the cp command it must finish with ;
> Finak result is now:
> Installing the components...
> Compiling /home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk/comp/src -/- gb.settings...
> OK
> Installing gb.settings...
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Compiling /home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk/comp/src -/- gb.info...
> OK
> Installing gb.info...
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Compiling /home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk/comp/src -/- gb.form...
> /home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk/comp/src/gb.form/Balloon.class:5: Unknown
> identifier: Control Installing gb.form...
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Compiling /home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk/comp/src -/- gb.form.dialog...
> /home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk/comp/src/gb.form.dialog/FDirDialog.class:52:
> Unknown identifier: HBox Installing gb.form.dialog...
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Compiling /home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk/comp/src -/- gb.form.mdi...
> /home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk/comp/src/gb.form.mdi/Action.class:7: Unknown
> identifier: Window Installing gb.form.mdi...
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Compiling /home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk/comp/src -/- gb.db.form...
> /home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk/comp/src/gb.db.form/Common.module:3: Unknown
> identifier: Control Installing gb.db.form...
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Compiling /home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk/comp/src -/- gb.web...
> OK
> Installing gb.web...
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Compiling /home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk/comp/src -/- gb.report...
> /home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk/comp/src/gb.report/FReportTutorial1.class:141:
> Unknown identifier: Button Installing gb.report...
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Compiling /home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk/comp/src -/- gb.chart...
> /home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk/comp/src/gb.chart/Chart.class:28: Unknown
> identifier: Color Installing gb.chart...
> ---------------------------------------------------
> make[1]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ron/src/gambas3/trunk/comp'
> Much much better.
> common for the Unknown identifier: i have already posted but no answer.
> the filet is called xxxx.class but the identifier is in the xxxx.form
> after the second '{'
> # Gambas Form File 3.0
> { Form Form
>   MoveScaled(0,0,94,54)
>   Text = ("Text Editor")
>   Icon = Picture["icon:/16/edit"]
>   Arrangement = Arrange.Vertical
>   Spacing = 5
>   Padding = 5
>   { HBox1 HBox         <------------------------------ this identifier  
>     MoveScaled(1,1,92,4)
>     { btnLock ToolButton
> What ever is wrong in/at/on/under my box, is is stupid gba/gbc are delete
> the .info and .list files when they find this error.
> The .gambas directory that is deleted in every component loop is empty for
> these components. By missing this two files the next compile/install will
> gives error for ever because the missing of those files.
> Please check gbc and gba for this behaviour of delete.
> Is there a explain why it not is done when in the Makefile
> in the previous command (the by me wrong added "cp .list my.list")
> has a error.
> gambas2.10.2 did compile and run OK.
> With ./configure without --prefix then auto destdir is auto set to
> /usr/local and the symbolic links are in /usr/local/bin and not in /usr/bin
> I have good reason my box is correct condition to do the job.
> The major difference is svn or the source I get from svn.
> To check the svn part I need a tarball of a fresh svn checkout. How do I
> get this? Getting other code with svn did work and I can asume the svn
> installed is not totaly bad.
> I know this report is long but shows that I realy try to find what is going
> wrong. Also I can use gambas2 till final gambas3 is ready.
> Who can tell me I will be able to compile that final gambas3 whitout
> problems ?.
> Going for part 2 investigate:
>   Restored 'gb.gtk/src/gb.gtk/.info'
>   Restored 'gb.gtk/src/gb.gtk/.list'
>   Restored 'gb.qt/src/gb.qt/.info'
>   Restored 'gb.qt/src/gb.qt/.list'
> Best regards,
> Ron_1st

I am going to test from a fresh checkout to understand what happens exactly... 
Wait a moment! :-)

Benoit Minisini

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