On lundi 2 février 2009, Randy wrote:
> Benoit Minisini wrote:
> > On jeudi 22 janvier 2009, Randy wrote:
> >> Hello.
> >>
> >> New to Gambas and having problems with following code:
> >>
> >>
> >>   DIM hTable AS Table
> >>
> >>   hTable = Global.$hConn.Tables.Add("glcoa")
> >>   WITH hTable
> >>     .Fields.Add("company", db.String, 3)
> >>     .Fields.Add("account", db.String, 12)
> >>     .Fields.Add("description", gb.String, 32)
> >>     .Fields.Add("gltype", gb.String, 1)
> >>     .Fields.Add("glsort", gb.Integer)
> >>     .Fields.Add("status", gb.String, 1)
> >>     .PrimaryKey = ["account"]
> >>     .Indexes.Add("glcoa_account", "account", TRUE)
> >>     .Indexes.Add("glcoa_sort", "glsort", TRUE)
> >>     .Update
> >>    END WITH
> >>
> >> CATCH
> >>
> >>   Message.Error("CreateGLTables Function: " & DConv(Error.Text))
> >> END
> >>
> >>
> >> The error is "Cannot create index. relation glcoa does not exist." Why?
> >> Can not find any information on the internet about this error.
> >>
> >> Help :-(
> >> Randy
> >
> > Finally, this is not a bug. Just that the database component can only
> > create indexes on already existing tables.
> >
> > And the table you are creating does not exist until you call the "Update"
> > method. So you just have to move the ".Update" line just before
> > the ".Indexes..." lines.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Benoit Minisini
> Hello Benoit,
> The above code creates an SQL statement for the index, but not for the
> table. See debug information:
> No CREATE TABLE SQL when you try make table with indexes. It's missing! Why
> make the index sql? It should be the table first!
> postgresql: 0x8159aa8: select substring(version(),12,5)
> postgresql: 0x8159aa8: show client_encoding
> postgresql: 0x8159aa8: select relname from pg_class where (relkind = 'r'
> or relkind = 'v') and (relname = 'glcoa') and (relnamespace not in
> (select oid from pg_namespace where nspname = 'information_schema'))
> postgresql: 0x8159aa8: select pg_class.relname from pg_class, pg_index,
> pg_class pg_class2 where pg_class2.relname = 'glcoa' and
> (pg_class2.relnamespace not in (select oid from pg_namespace where
> nspname = 'information_schema')) and pg_index.indrelid = pg_
> class2.oid and pg_index.indexrelid = pg_class.oid and pg_class.relname =
> 'glcoa_sort'
> postgresql: 0x8159aa8: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "glcoa_sort" ON glcoa ( glsort )
> Remove the index and you get the CREATE TABLE sql!
> postgresql: 0x8159de8: select substring(version(),12,5)
> postgresql: 0x8159de8: show client_encoding
> postgresql: 0x8159de8: select relname from pg_class where (relkind = 'r'
> or relkind = 'v') and (relname = 'glcoa') and (relnamespace not in
> (select oid from pg_namespace where nspname = 'information_schema'))
> postgresql: 0x8159de8: CREATE TABLE "glcoa" ( "company" VARCHAR(3),
> "account" VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL , "description" VARCHAR(32), "gltype"
> VARCHAR(1), "glsort" INT, "status" VARCHAR(1), PRIMARY KEY (account) )
> NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index
> "glcoa_pkey" for table "glcoa"
> I think this is a bug, because gambas should make the created table sql.
> Why do the index sql? What happen to the table? Why can you make a table
> and indexes?
> :-(
> Randy

I don't understand your problem: the Update() method generates the "CREATE 
TABLE" statement, so you must call it before using the Indexes property, 
otherwise you get an error.

Benoit Minisini

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