Il domenica 8 febbraio 2009 04:56:09 richard terry ha scritto:
> I wondered how one could detect if the capslock key was on.
> Any help appreciated.
> Richard

Try this:

  DIM sShellOutput AS String
  DIM iKeyLocks AS Integer
  SHELL "xset q | grep 'LED mask:' | grep -o 0000000." TO sShellOutput
  iKeyLocks = Val(sShellOutput)  
  SELECT iKeyLocks
    CASE 1
      PRINT "Caps Lock is ON"
    CASE 2
      PRINT "Num Lock is ON"
    CASE 3
      PRINT "Caps Lock is ON"
      PRINT "Num Lock is ON"
  END SELECT         


Stefano Palmeri

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