Mmm, ok.

   I have a program that make queries to my MySQL database and export the
result to a CSV (Excel) file and then I mail this reporte to my users.

   I want to put this app in a web site on mi pc, and that my users can
access this app directly. They don't have to write queries, only choose an
option, give some filters (date, product category, etc.) and get the CSV


Daniel Quintero desde la Ciudad de México

On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 5:39 PM, Frank Cox <> wrote:

> On Fri, 20 Feb 2009 17:17:46 -0600
> Daniel Rojas wrote:
> > Anibody wants help me?
> You will have to come up with a much more specific question if you are to
> get
> any meaningful help.
> If you are just planning to create a simple website, you may want to look
> at
> OpenOffice instead.  I use the OpenOffice HTML editor to create simple
> websites
> all the time.
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