> @jacky-12
> I understand that but that is not what I need.
> Let me see if I can explain it better.
> I have a workspace and add several forms to it. In each for i have
> different controls as textboxes, buttons, gridviews, etc.
> The thing is that I want to be able to switch between forms with some key
> combination (i.e. Ctrl + Tab) but the keypress event depends on the control
> that has the focus and not on the tabstrip or the workspace.
> So how can I "get" the keypress regardless the control or object that has
> the focus.
> Is there another way of doing this?
> Thanks.
> Marcel

You need a support for global shortcuts. On Gambas, the only way to do it is 
creating an hidden menu with one menu item for each action, each item having a 



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