Hi there.

I'm looking for a function or method in the gb.db component to obtain the ID
of the last element inserted into the database. With the methods Create,
Edit y Find, we can run our Gambas app independently from the chosen engine
database. That's why I wanna know if there is any similar solution to get
the last insert id (of an autoincrement field in a table). Now I am working
with sqlite3 and I don't find the manner. Thus, I did it with the specific
sql query:

hResult = hConn.Exec("SELECT last_insert_rowid() AS id")
RETURN CInt(hResult["id"])

But doing it like this is not database engine independent, because in MySQL
the query was:


Searching a little, I've found that the MySQL component includes it already:
22:23 on Oct 25, 2008    gambas    Commit by dvillalobos :: r1652
/gambas/trunk/gb.db.mysql/src/gb.db.mysql/ (.component .info .project

NEW: Added the function LastInsertId to _MySQL class, that returns the last
insert id for the current user.

Then, Gambas lets you to get the "last insert id" in a transparent manner?

Thank you a lot,

Version: 3.12
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