CelticBhoy ha scritto:
> What is wrong with this line :-
> IF sElement[iLoop] = NULL THEN sElement[iLoop] = "0"
> I want to catch a null character and change it to "0".
You are using an array notation, ie, sElement[] designes an array of 
strings, each composed of many characters.
Moreover, NULL is not the same as chr$(0), but refers to the null 
pointer (or an empty string), but this is different from C.

if sElement is a simple string, and assuming iLoop goes from 1 to the 
length of the string, then you test like this:

    if mid$(sElement, iLoop, 1)=chr$(0) then sElement=left$(1,iLoop-1) & 
"0" & mid$(sElement, iLoop+1)

Note two things here: gambas does not have indexing of strings, like C. 
Use left$(), mid$() and so on is the way to analyze strings. This also 
means that you can not change a single char in a string, but you have to 
reconstruct the string itself.
Anyway, there are more powerful instruction - see the docs about string 
manipulation; a single replace() could do what you want:

    sElement = Replace$(sElement, chr$(0), "0")

If is it true that sElement should be an array of strings, then perhaps 
you are not looking for chr$(0), or you need two indexes, or you should 
provide more information about what you want to do...


Doriano Blengino

"Listen twice before you speak.
This is why we have two ears, but only one mouth."

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