> I have installed gambas2 with "./configure -C". The gb.debug-component is
> given in the project properties. What must I do exactly to get the
> backtrace? Just tried to compile my project with gb.debug enabled, try to
> Debug.Start() at Form_Open()-Event, but the backtrace seems to be always
> the same.
> Regards,
> A.Fröhlke

I'm not talking about gb.debug, which is an internal component of Gambas. I'm 
talking about "debug packages", which are the debugging information of a 
binary package stored in another package to preserve your disk space.

For example, on Mandriva, I have a gambas2-*.rpm packages, and a gambas2-
debug.rpm package.

But as you compiled Gambas from sources, you have nothing to do except doing 
again what you did. Then you should notice that your backtrace won't be the 
same. If you don't, then there was a problem in the compilation/installation 

You must:
1) Remove all your previous Gambas2 installation.
2) Do that in a shell (in the gambas2 source directory of course): ./reconf && 
./configure -C && make
3) Check that you didn't get any error.
4) If everything is ok, then do that as root: make install

Did you do that?


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