> From: karl.re...@fen-net.de
> To: gambas-user@lists.sourceforge.net
> Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 22:14:47 +0200
> Subject: [Gambas-user] Function Len  in gambas2
> Salut,
> am I wrong? but I think thats use for nothing as LEN works actually in
> gambas2
> from .....gambas2/help/help/lang/len.html
> Len
> Syntax
> iLength = Len ( sArg AS String ) AS Integer
> Returns the byte count which is occupied by the String sArg. Each ASCII
> character which has the code 0 to 127 requires one byte, UTF-8
> characters as äöüß require two or more bytes.
> Examples
> PRINT Len("Gambas"), Len("äöü")
> <hr>6       6
> PRINT Len("")
> 0
> See also
> String Functions 
> for what good that for?
> -- 
> Amicalment
> Charlie

hi again...sorry about the delay in my reply :D
but i really didnt understand ur example here....
of course now i realise that even the textbox2.text had the reasult i wanted 
the problem will
be in the letters appering because of their bytes...
but the main problem is not solved yet....
still in the textbox2.text appears what i am writing in the textbox1.text and 
not what i want...
and abou the example u gave me with if then else end if is a bad idea because 
if for example we want to
converter a word i have to put many boxes and the user to write a letter in 
every box to have in that many other boxes a result....
(anyway i tried this but just didnt work...)
so plz if u can tell me how i can make with two boxes every character i wrote 
in the first box to appear what i want in the second box....
what i wrote wrong???why at the 2nd box appears what i am writing in the 1st 
plz solve this and then if this problem is solved but in the second or first 
textbox the charactes doesnt appears in the way the should i will try to set 
somehow that they are UTF-8 characters so they have more bytes...
ty again for ur replies :D:D:D

also u can see some of my work in the www.vlahonick.freehost.gr (of course u 
dont gonna understand many because site is in greek but u can try download my 
games->www.vlahonick.freehost.gr/downloads.html and press Παιχνίδια=games)

here my code for one more time :

' Gambas class file



PUBLIC SUB Form_Open()


PUBLIC SUB Button1_Click()
DIM nI AS Integer
DIM sAnyChar AS String
TextBox2.text = ""
   FOR nI = 1 TO Len(TextBox1.Text)
      sAnyChar = Mid(TextBox1.Text, nI, 1)
      TextBox2.Text = TextBox2.Text & Gronverter(sAnyChar)

FUNCTION Gronverter(sInChar AS String) AS String
DIM sRetChar AS String = sInChar

IF sInChar = "α" THEN sRetChar = "a"
IF sInChar = "β" THEN sRetChar = "v"
IF sInChar = "γ" THEN sRetChar = "g"
IF sInChar = "δ" THEN sRetChar = "d"
IF sInChar = "ε" THEN sRetChar = "e"
IF sInChar = "ζ" THEN sRetChar = "z"
IF sInChar = "η" THEN sRetChar = "ι"
IF sInChar = "θ" THEN sRetChar = "th"
IF sInChar = "ι" THEN sRetChar = "i"
IF sInChar = "κ" THEN sRetChar = "k"
IF sInChar = "λ" THEN sRetChar = "l"
IF sInChar = "μ" THEN sRetChar = "m"
IF sInChar = "ν" THEN sRetChar = "n"
IF sInChar = "ξ" THEN sRetChar = "x"
IF sInChar = "ο" THEN sRetChar = "o"
IF sInChar = "π" THEN sRetChar = "p"
IF sInChar = "ρ" THEN sRetChar = "r"
IF sInChar = "σ" THEN sRetChar = "s"
IF sInChar = "τ" THEN sRetChar = "t"
IF sInChar = "υ" THEN sRetChar = "i"
IF sInChar = "φ" THEN sRetChar = "f"
IF sInChar = "χ" THEN sRetChar = "h"
IF sInChar = "ψ" THEN sRetChar = "ps"
IF sInChar = "ω" THEN sRetChar = "o"


PUBLIC SUB Button2_Click()

  TextBox1.text = ""
  TextBox2.text = ""

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