juelin ha scritto:
> hello,
> how can I show an open office text document (odt) into gambas
> textarea or some object like this?
> the document include pictures.
> the object embeded is not possible, while the user do not change the
> document
> and the document is not open with open office.
> kind regards
> Jürgen
Perhaps it is possible to invoke oowrite with some command line switch 
to put it in read-only mode; or, if not, perhaps you can copy the 
original file somewhere else (/tmp?), change its permissions to 
read-only, and open it with oowrite. Seeing that the file is read-only, 
openoffice will not let the user to modify it.


Doriano Blengino

"Listen twice before you speak.
This is why we have two ears, but only one mouth."

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