> ? Format$(Val("14555888") / 1000, "#,###.000")
> 14,555.888
> ...this is OK
> LANG="es_ES.utf8" and for LANG="it_IT.utf8"
> ? Format$(Val("14555888") / 1000, "#,###.000")
> 14 555,888
> There is a space  where should be a . but I can cope with it
> For LANG="ru_RU.utf8"
> ? Format$(Val("14555888") / 1000, "#,###.000")
> 14??555,888
>   where ?? are 3F3F . These are not recognised as UTF-8 valid characters.
> In my GAMBAS program actually the two "3F" are rapresented by squares.
> ( http://www.qsl.nqt/zp4kfx/Linux/dblog.html )
> Best regards
> Pino

On my Mandriva 2009, for es_ES.UTF-8, it_IT.UTF-8 and ru_RU.UTF-8 I get "14 

Maybe this is a bug in the GNU spanish locale if you get a space whereas you 
want a point. I'm not spanish, so I can't be sure.

And "3F3F" is a perfect valid UTF-8 byte sequence. It is actually ascii: "??"


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