> Hello,
> I want to set a property value using strings for, accesing a form, then
> a grid, then a cell inside the grid, the text property and finally set
> the value for it.
> Here a wannabe code that obviously is failing to do the idea:
> PUBLIC SUB setMatrix(path AS String, dims AS Integer[], prop AS String,
> Valor AS String)
>     ' Divido a path por los puntos
>     DIM s AS String[]
>     DIM cad AS String
>     DIM c AS Control
>     DIM g AS GridView
>     DIM f AS Form
>     DIM o AS Object
>     DIM i AS Integer
>     s = Split(path, ".")
>     IF s.Count = 0 THEN
>         Message("Revisar argumentos")
>     END IF
>     FOR i = 0 TO Windows.Count - 1
>         IF (Lower(s[0]) = Lower(Windows[i].Name)) THEN
>             f = Windows[i]
>             EXIT
>         END IF
>     NEXT
>     IF NOT IsNull(f) THEN
>         g = f[s[1]]
>         g.row = dims[0]
>         g.column = dims[1]
>         Object.SetProperty(g.Current, prop, Valor)
>     END IF
> As you can imagine, Gambas stops on the "Object.SetProperty" line,
> complaining about that it cannot use the "virtual" class that g.Current
> belongs to.
> I need this because the idea is to access in runtime to any
> object/property/method from outside gambas (for example, a Python
> script).
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.

In the development version, you have an Assign() function that evaluates an 
assignment expression. It allows you to do what you want.


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