thank you for answering of my question.
enclosed is the source you want as attachment.

hope you have a solution.

PS: I'm writting a program for making lasershow under linux

thank you and kind regards

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 16:47:53 +0200
> Von: "Benoît Minisini" <gam...@users.sourceforge.net>
> An: mailing list for gambas users <gambas-user@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Betreff: Re: [Gambas-user] rotating point

> > hi,
> > I use Gambas 2.12 (at this version "draw.rotate" does not work)
> > I want to rotate a market area (Top=207, Left=207, High=110, Width=110)
> > in a drawingarea (High=512, Width=512)
> >
> >     image1 = Drawingarea.Grab().Image
> >     image2 = image1.Copy(Top, Left, Width, High) from market area
> >     image2.rotate(Rad(degrees)) may be dregree=1-359
> >     Draw.Begin(Drawingarea)
> >       Draw.Image(Top, Left) from market area
> >     Draw.End
> >
> > It work well, but how can I assign where the rotating point is????
> > I want rotate in the middle of market area
> >
> > Can give someone an idea?
> >
> > kind regards
> > Jürgen
> Draw.Rotate() does not exist because it is a lot of work to implement it
> in 
> gb.gtk (Qt supports it natively).
> Image.Rotate() rotates the image around its center. The image size is
> extended 
> so that the rotated image is not clipped. But beware that Image.Rotate()
> *does 
> not* modify the original image. The rotated image is returned as a new
> image!
> Can you provide real source code so that we can see what you are really
> doing?
> -- 
> Benoît
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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viele Grüße e vy 73
wünscht Jürgen

Attachment: source.class
Description: application/java

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