Using Gambas 2.1.2 on KUbuntu 8.04.

   Perhaps I've been away from Gambas for far too long, either that or 
I'm just thick, but whichever it is I can't seem to get the side panel 
working as 'I' think it should, and that is perhaps the problem.
   Has anyone got a simple example of using the side panel that they 
would be willing to share, or perhaps cook up a small sample app showing 
it's usage? Nothing fancy, just the side panel hosting a push button 
would do, because whenever I try to use the sidepanel, it slides around 
just fine, but the control contained within it is not visible (kind of 
useless then)... and it has me somewhat perplexed as to the proper 
useage of this component.

Being Thick.. perhaps needing some coffee...

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