> gambas 2.14
> database sqlite
> I create table with 2 datetime fields (start_date , end_date) and default
> value current_timestamp . and 1 string field (stg_status) with default 'O'
> when I open using gambas database manager
> the 2 datetime field show ,
> start_date --> default show --> 0
> end_date---> default show --> 8980056
> the string field stg_status --> default show --> 4.444578977261E-317
> I also found very strange limitation in database manager . if you manual
> create a table from sqlite konsole . if you type like this :
> create table testtbl( std_id integer primary key autoincrement , std_name
> text);
> sqlite execute no problem but when you open using database manager , it
> give error no primary key
> you must type
> create table testtbl( 'std_id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT ,
> 'std_name' TEXT);
> why such weird limitation exist ?

You must create your tables from the database manager if you want him to 
display them reliably. As there is no standard way in SQL to store metadata in 
a database, the gambas database component relies on specific database-
dependant datatype to do its mapping with Gambas native datatypes. 

See http://gambasdoc.org/help/doc/db-type-mapping for more details.

In your specific case, I think there is a case-sensitive comparison somewhere 
in the sqlite database driver that should be case-unsensitive. I will 
investigate and try to fix the problem.



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