Il venerdì 3 luglio 2009 13:19:57 Stephen Bungay ha scritto:

HI Stephen,

Is there some special setup ?

I always get  .Font.Width(.Current.Text)  =  0 so no change is done.

I am on Debian 5.0.1, Gambas 2.14,  QT and Gnome

It is the same using TableView instead GridView

Best regards


> '***********************************************************************
> '* AdjustGridColumns
> '* Author: Stephen Bungay
> '* Date: July 26 2006
> '*
> '* Parameters:
> '*   GridView
> '*
> '* Calls: Nothing
> '*
> '*   Adjusts the column sizes of the gridview being used for data
> '* presentation. Ensures that all of the data is visible.
> '*
> '**************************************************************************
> PUBLIC SUB AdjustGridColumns(pPassedGrid AS GridView)
>    DIM $Row AS Integer
>    DIM $Col AS Integer
>    DIM MaxWidth AS Integer
>    MaxWidth = 0
>    WITH pPassedGrid
>        .Columns.Resizable = TRUE
>        FOR $Col = 0 TO .Columns.Count - 1
>            .Row = 0
>            .Column = $Col
>            MaxWidth = .Current.Width
>            FOR $Row = 0 TO .Rows.Count - 1
>                .Row = $Row
>                IF .Font.Width(.Current.Text) > MaxWidth THEN ' <---always 
>                   MaxWidth = .Font.Width(.Current.Text) + 10
>                END IF
>            NEXT
>            .Columns[$Col].Width = MaxWidth
>        NEXT

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