Il mercoledì 5 agosto 2009 11:16:32 Charlie Reinl ha scritto:
> Am Mittwoch, den 05.08.2009, 17:48 +1000 schrieb richard terry:
> > If one has say 3 radiobuttons in a container
> > is there anyway to set them all back to false ?
> >
> > If I try this code to clear some textboxes, checkboxes and radiobuttons
> > contained within a hbox, the tetboxes clear and checkboxes clear, but not
> > the radiobuttons:
> >
> >   Dim hCtrl As Control
> >   Dim hb As HBox
> >   Dim tb As TextBox
> >   Dim cb As CheckBox
> >   Dim rb As RadioButton
> >
> >  For Each hctrl In Vbox1.children
> >      If hctrl Is hbox Then
> >         hb = hctrl
> >        For Each hCtrl In HB.Children
> >          If hctrl Is textbox Then
> >             tb = hctrl
> >             tb.Clear()
> >          Else If hctrl Is RadioButton Then
> >             rb = hctrl
> >             rb.value = False
> >          Else If hctrl Is checkbox Then
> >               cb = hctrl
> >              cb.value = False
> >         End If
> >        Next
> >      End If
> >   Next
> >
> > If I directly address the radiobutton in the group by name, it still
> > dosn't clear.
> >
> > any help appreciated.
> >
> > Richard
> Salut Richard,
> The Apple Human Interface Guidelines specify that one item of a radio
> button group must always be selected.
> Charlie

Some time ago we talked about it. If you wanna clear all radiobuttons there's 
an easy workaround. Add a radiobutton (say HiddenRadioButton)  in the group 
and set its "Visible" property FALSE.

So when you want to clear radiobuttons, just select the hidden radiobutton, 
HiddenRadioButton.Value = TRUE and all others in the group will be cleared.



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