Am Donnerstag, den 13.08.2009, 17:33 +0200 schrieb Jean-Yves F. Barbier:
> Jean-Yves F. Barbier a écrit :
> ... 
> > No Werner, that don't work (wanted nb, Str, or Obj, got Fnct instead),
> > I'm trying to adapt the base idea with other options, but still no success.
> I tried:
>     trv_What.MoveFirst()
>     REPEAT
>       IF Left$(trv_What.Item.Text, 11) = "Tsupplier.a" THEN
>         trv_What.Item.Selected = TRUE
>       ELSE
>         trv_What.Item.Selected = FALSE
>         trv_What.MoveNext()
>       ENDIF
>     UNTIL trv_What.Item.Key = "HL"    ' 1st Key of tree
> I also change ...MoveNext() to ...MoveBelow() but that gives an infinite loop.
> But that also don't work (seems there's no possibility to do that)
> I let it down for now and keep moving on.
> JY

Hallo Jean-Yves,

to days lesson THE DEADLOOP  :

set the trv_What.MoveNext after the endif

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