Charlie Reinl a écrit :
> Salut Jean-Yves,
> Poseidon the father of gambas, raised gambas-components for that.
> And that is what I do. My programs are compiled as components, so I can
> use them as program, embed then in other programs or just call them from
> an other program.
> To unify the args[], all these programs have a String[]Array PROPERTY
> called CallingArgs[] in which I fill at start up the Application.Args. 
> Now I can overwrite it at the caller.
> Here an Example.
> PUBLIC SUB btnPrint_Click()
> DIM args AS String[]
> DIM $TheCalledTwo AS FViewer          
>    IF NOT IsNull($TheCalledTwo) THEN $TheCalledTwo.close()
>    $TheCalledTwo = NEW FViewer  <-- calling the FViewer-Component which
>                               has a Form and can be called 
>    'txtFile.Text
>    TRY $TheCalledTwo.CallingArgs.Clear()
>    args = gettingArgusPreview()
>    $TheCalledTwo.CallingArgs = args <-- filling the args[]
>    $TheCalledTwo.Show             <-- and make visible        
> Have fun
> Charlie

Thanks Charlie, I think I've got my solution

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