
if I'm reading your code correctly you're closing the result set before you
use rsAPOD!arithmosAp

you could assign the value of rsAPOD!arithmosAp in a variable and use that
in the print statement
or move MODMain.$Con.Close below the CLOSE hPrinter line.

that way the resultset can close properly.

I hope this helps


On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 1:50 PM, Vassilis K <> wrote:

> Hello again,
> I have a strange little problem with my database (Mysql) queries.
> I make many queries and updates together with the click of a button.
> When I make the queries and updates without using any of the results then
> everything works fine !!
> When I want to use a part of the results I get the invalid object error and
> all of the results turn to red ( do not work).
> AT the example below I get the error message "invalid object" at the PRINT
> #hPrinter line and the problem is on the rsAPOD!arithmosAp  result which is
> LongInteger (at the end of the PRINT line).
> here is the code:
> PUBLIC SUB Kataxwrisi_Click()
>    DIM hPrinter AS File
>    DIM $Result5 AS Result
>    DIM $ResultAPOD AS Result
>    DIM rsAPOD AS Result
>    DIM rsGRAMMI AS Result
>    DIM $ResultE5 AS Result
>    DIM TrexousaGrammi AS Long
>    DIM proigoumenos AS Long
>    MODMain.Connect
>        MODMain.$Con.Begin()
>                 $Result5 = MODMain.$Con.Create("BiblioPortas")
>                 $Result5!trexousaHmerominia = Date(Now)
>                 $Result5!Poson = Val(TextBox2.Text)
>                 $Result5.Update()
>    MODMain.$Con.Commit()
>    MODMain.Connect()
>          rsAPOD = MODMain.$Con.exec("select * from AApodixi order by
> arithmosAp desc")
>    MODMain.$Con.Close
>        MODMain.Connect
>        MODMain.$Con.Begin()
>                 $ResultE5 = MODMain.$Con.Create("Ektyposis")
>                 $ResultE5.Update()
>        MODMain.$Con.Commit()
>           MODMain.Connect()
>            rsGRAMMI = MODMain.$Con.exec("select * from Ektyposis order by
> Grammi desc")
>        TrexousaGrammi = rsGRAMMI!Grammi
>        MODMain.$Con.Close
> hPrinter = OPEN "/dev/lp1" FOR OUTPUT
>    hPrinter.EndOfLine = gb.Windows
>   PRINT #hPrinter, "Anaxorisi" & " " & Format$(Date(Now), "") & "
> A/A " & tArithmos.Text & " " & tEpitheto.Text & " " & tOnoma.Text & " " &
> tEthnikotita.Text & " " & "Poson " & TextBox2.Text & " Ar.Apodixis " &
> rsAPOD!arithmosAp
>    IF TrexousaGrammi MOD 55 = 0 THEN
>            PRINT #hPrinter, Chr$(12);
>            PRINT #hPrinter, " "
>            PRINT #hPrinter, " "
>            PRINT #hPrinter, " "
>            PRINT #hPrinter, " "
>          ENDIF
>    CLOSE hPrinter
>     MODMain.Connect
>        MODMain.$Con.Begin()
>                  'MODMain.$Con.exec("UPDATE `pelates`.`egrafes` SET
> `anaxwrisi` = '" & Date(Now) & "' WHERE `egrafes`.`AA` = '" &
> tArithmos.Text &
> "' LIMIT 1 ")
>                  MODMain.$Con.exec("UPDATE `pelates`.`egrafes` SET
> `egrafes`.`epitheto` = '" & tEpitheto.Text &
> "',........................................etc...................................',
> `egrafes`.`timifix` = '" & CFloat(ttimifix.Text) & "' WHERE `egrafes`.`AA`
> =
> '" & tArithmos.Text & "'  LIMIT 1 ")
>                  MODMain.$Con.exec("UPDATE `pelates`.`egrafes` SET
> `egrafes`.`ekptosi` = '" & tekptosi.Text & "', `egrafes`.`elenchosAnax` =
> 1,
> `egrafes`.`xreosi` =0, `egrafes`.`prokatavoli` = '" &
> CFloat(tprokatavoli.Text) & "' WHERE `egrafes`.`AA` = '" & tArithmos.Text &
> "'
> LIMIT 1 ")
>        MODMain.$Con.Close
>        MODMain.Connect
>        MODMain.$Con.Begin()
>                 $ResultAPOD = MODMain.$Con.Create("AApodixi")
>                 $ResultAPOD!Hmerominia = Date(Now)
>                 $ResultAPOD!arithmosAp = rsAPOD!arithmosAp + 1
>                 $ResultAPOD.Update()
>        MODMain.$Con.Commit()
>  ME.Close
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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