Using Gambas 2.7, Debian Lenny 32


Main question.
I want to run my gambas2-application from USB-FLASH-DISK on the
computers, that do not have gambas2 installed.

There is a folder on my USB-FLASH-DISK with my application and
1) "bin", includes files "gba2", "gbc2", "gbi2", "gbx2", soft links;
2) "lib", includes files "*.so.0.0.0", "*.component", "*.gambas", soft
3) "share", includes "icons/*.png", "info/*" (strange files),
It also includes bash-script for copying all above to system
folders /usr/bin/, /usr/lib/ and /usr/share.

Can I run my application with just some command, without copying?

Another questions:
1) May I create proprietary (not open-scource) gambas2-applications and
components for gambas2?

2) I have the GridView in my program, that displays 4 thousands of rows.
When it updates the data (4-10 seconds), program do not reflexes.
There is a string in the documentation:
"You should use the last <method> if you have thousands of rows to
I'm sorry, I do not understand this at all. 
Could anybody explain this on a simple example?

3) When I hide persistent Form, how to display it again?

4) On my monitore with resolution "1024x768" Forms and widgets on them
look great. But when I come to my friends with big wide monitors, some
widgets (Buttons) became bigger while another widgets don't or not in
such proportions. Why it happens?

5) Can I easily convert my big project from the gambas2-project to the

6) My project uses gb.qt3, gb.qt3.ext, gb.kde, gb.kde.html components.
Can I easily switch them to gb.qt4 and other components, when my favour
Linux-distr Debian will be updated?

Some suggestions:
1) In gambas2-IDE I need the "insert mode" of type, that replaces the
next character.

Thanks to BenoƮt Minisini for help (Problem with UTF-8 in
Gambas-connection to MySQL). The "--default-character-set" really was


Dima Malkov (Russia)

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