thanks, I'll digest all the replies.


On Monday 26 October 2009 04:10:53 you wrote:
> With a form and a tableview
> I hope you understand more, in the _Save Event, you validate the
> entered value and do what you want such as adding a new row
> ' Gambas class file
> PUBLIC SUB Form_Open()
>   TableView1.Rows.Count = 3
>   TableView1.Columns.Count = 2
>   TableView1[0, 0].Text = "tic"
>   TableView1[0, 1].Text = 1
>   TableView1[1, 0].Text = "tac"
>   TableView1[1, 1].Text = "2"
>   TableView1[2, 0].Text = "toes"
>   TableView1[2, 1].Text = 3
> PUBLIC SUB TableView1_Click()
>   IF TableView1.Column = 1 THEN RETURN
>   TableView1.Edit
> PUBLIC SUB TableView1_Save(Row AS Integer, Column AS Integer, Value AS
>  String) IF Value = "" THEN
>     Message.Error("You need to say something")
>     RETURN
>   TableView1[Row, Column].Text = Value
> 2009/10/25 Fabien Bodard <>:
> > on the _data event version or gridview mode ?
> >
> > 2009/10/24 richard terry <>:
> >> I've need to use the table view to allow user to edit/add new cells
> >>
> >> Despite reading Doc's and looking at the  examples in the IDe I'm no
> >> closer to getting the concept of how the thing works, so I wonder if
> >> anyone could explain its use in simple terms and show me a simple sample
> >> of how to allow; *user to click on cell > enter > add information > exit
> >> > value appearing in the cell, adding new row etc.
> >>
> >> In the meantime I'll pore over the gambas IDE sourcecode and try again!
> >>
> >> Regards
> >>
> >> richard
> >>
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