> Excuse me Benoit, sometimes I read too much fast... I haven't seem Ron
>  write about installation at his home directory
> Recently I update a producction server from ubuntu 9.04x86_64 to
>  9.10x86_64.
> After this, I got a problem with all gambas app in this server. The
> lostfocus event doesn't raise the lostfocus() sub. I don't understand why.
> At this point I tryed to compile the last gambas2 version fron the svn
> repository and I can't exec gambas2 (ERROR: #27: Cannot load component
> 'gb.qt': cannot find library file)
> The way to compile was:
> $ svn checkout
>  https://gambas.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gambas/gambas/branches/2.0 $ cd
>  2.0
> $ ./reconf-all
> $ ./configure -C
> $ make
> $ sudo make install
> all works fine but when you try to run gambas2 you got ERROR: #27: Cannot
> load component 'gb.qt': cannot find library file
> after this it was neccesary to do this:
> sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/gambas2 /usr/local/lib
> sudo chmod 755 -R /usr/local/lib/gambas2
> and
> sudo chmod 755 -R /usr/local/share/gambas2
> an all works again with no problems.
> I also installed gambas3 from svn in this sever and works out of box
>  (normal compiling)
> In the next days I'm going to replace this server and I'm going to do an
> ubuntu 9.10 clean installation. I promise to write about this installation
> in order to know if I get the same problem.
> Regards

OK, but check that you actually compiled revision #2408 or #2409.

And GTK applications won't work with Gambas 3 on Ubuntu 9.10, because the 
workaround done in revision #2409 was not put in Gambas 3 yet.


Benoît Minisini

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