> gb 2.17 Debian sid
> qt
> SQL requests are written, not using intrinsic
> postgresql 8.4.1
> table test(
>  id serial primary key,
>  label varchar(8) not null,
>  date_cre timestamp default now(),
>  date_mod timestamp default NULL,
>  mri_users_cre integer default 1,
>  mri_users_mod integer default NULL,
>  front boolean default true
> );
> ==========================================
> Hi,
> Former state:
> rows 1-7  have values,
> rows 8-10 have been deleted
> DataBrowser have all table fields but only display: label & front =>
>   WITH datbro_Civ.GridView
>     ' La colonne 'id' est là pour retourner une réf, pas pour être vue
>     .Columns[0].Width = 0
>     .Columns[0].Resizable = FALSE
>     .Columns[1].Text = "Civilités"
>     .Columns[1].Width = 175
>     .Columns[1].Resizable = FALSE
>     ' Y'a ptêt une autre manière pour avoir accès à ces champs
>     '  que de les cacher, mais je ne sais pas comment (?)
>     .Columns[2].Width = 0
>     .Columns[2].Resizable = FALSE
>     .Columns[3].Width = 0
>     .Columns[3].Resizable = FALSE
>     .Columns[4].Width = 0
>     .Columns[4].Resizable = FALSE
>     .Columns[5].Width = 0
>     .Columns[5].Resizable = FALSE
>     ' La dernière colonne est tjrs visible même à largeur 0 :( (bug? =>
>  oui) '   donc comme on en a que 2 à afficher sur 6, il faut que la 2nde
>  soit la dernière (évangile selon St-Gridview) ' ET ne pas oublier de
>  changer l'ordre des champs dans le DataBrowser .Columns[6].Text = "Devant
>  ?"
>     .Columns[6].Width = -1
>     .Columns[6].Resizable = FALSE
> INSERT into table => Refresh of DataBrowser shows new row ONLY when
> it is ascending sorted on 'label'
> (descendant order don't show it AND is totally false - even in an ASCII
>  way!)
> Sort by 'front' => New row doesn't appear anymore AND descending order
> is totally false (shows: True, False, F..., False, True)
> Making the primary key column visible don't change anything.
> Well, after a small test, any descending order is *always* false :(
> ie ascending:
> Co.
> GmBH
> Inc.
> SA
> sarl2
> sarl3
> sro
> descending:
> SA
> sro
> GmBH
> Inc.
> Co.
> sarl2
> sarl2
> as a matter of fact is seems to be superseded by primary key ascending
>  order. so it is truly unusable at all.
> JY

I don't see at all what you are talking about. Please provide a full project 
and the SQL data needed to run it. If you prefer, explain what you are trying 
to achieve on the french mailing-list.


Benoît Minisini

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