Hey Matti,

you might want to roll a string conversion function of your own.
The Replace function might be of particular use to you.

You can read about it over here

and you can also find all the other string related functions over here

if for example you want to replace all the spaces in your string with %20
you would call

'String array that will hold the characters you want to replace
Dim tmpChar as NEW String[]
Dim iterator as Integer
Dim sFilename as String

'the value of your sFilename
sFilename = "/home/username/Meine Bilder/öffentliche Fotos übertragen/015
das Schönste.jpg"

'Add the characters you want to replace

'Loop through the array and replace the string characters that correspond to
the array characters
'with their hexadecimal values precedded by a % sign
FOR iterator = 0 to tmpChar.Count -1

'set the string equal to the resulting string from the Replace$ Function
 sFilename = Replace$( sFilename,tmpChar[iterator],"%" &


'to show you the finished string
PRINT sFilename

so you could also just make a small array with all the characters you want
change and then do a sequence of Replace$ calls replacing them with

I hope these guidelines help you more (and confuse you less)


On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 1:14 PM, Matti <math.e...@t-online.de> wrote:

> Well, after some thoughts, I can answer myself.
> I tried this example:
>  sFilename = "/home/username/Meine Bilder/öffentliche Fotos übertragen/015
> das Schönste.jpg"
>  i = 1
>  WHILE i < Len(sFilename)
>    sChar = Mid$(sFilename, i, 1)
>    IF Asc(sChar) > 122 THEN
>      sFilename = Left$(sFilename, i - 1) & "%" & Hex$(Asc(sChar)) &
> Right$(sFilename, Len(sFilename) - i)
>    ELSE IF sChar = " " THEN
>      sFilename = Replace$(sFilename, " ", "%20")
>    ENDIF
>    i = i + 1
>  sOut = "file://" & sFilename
>  PRINT sOut
> and it seems to work ok and reasonably fast.
> But if you have better ideas, you're welcome!
> Matti schrieb:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm looking for a string conversion function for URIs.
> > It should work like CGI.Encode, but
> > - don't transform slashes "/"
> > - transform spaces " " not to "+" but to "%20".
> >
> > Couldn't find anything in Gambas. Maybe a shell command?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Matti
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