Okie dokey, this one is giving me so much heartburn that even rude suggestions are welcome.

There is a form with a tab control (tsMain) that has a number of tabs.

There is code in tsMain_Click that sets the focus to the default control on the tab that was selected.

If the default control is, say, a ComboBox, the ComboBox will immediately accept keystrokes such as up and down arrow, which is correct.

If the default control is a DataBrowser, the DataBrowser will not accept keystrokes. It must be clicked before it will accept keystrokes.

How do I get the the DataBrowser to accept keystrokes so that user does not have to click the control first?

An example replicating the behaviour is attached. The database will need to be copied into /tmp/.

Attachment: FocusTrouble.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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