Benoît Minisini wrote:
>> Benoît Minisini wrote:
>>>>  ...menus don't support drag.
>>>> Please tell me I am blind.
>>> They don't, no toolkit supports drag & drop on menus natively.
>> I'm looking to drag menu items off a menu, not drag them onto a
>> menu. The gnome panel menus do it.
>> Pity. I'm rewriting a Windows app that makes use of that feature.
>> I'll have to think up an alternative.
> I remember that in KDE3 this was a global UI option. I don't know if
> it exists in KDE4.
> I will add a property to the Menu class to enable the TearOff handle.
> I will tell you when it is done.


That would be great, thank you.

> Regards, 

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