Hi !

   The first line:
#!/usr/bin/ gbs2

   it's a typing error
   the right line is:

   Thanks Charlie , but the problem , unfortunatly is not the space !
   Charlie Reinl ha scritto:

Am Dienstag, den 24.11.2009, 11:54 +0100 schrieb Matteo Lisi:

Hi !

Finally I crosscompiled the gambas for ARM, and I have on my arm system 
the "gbc2" file

I tried to execute the following script:

#!/usr/bin/ gbs2

' This script returns the memory really used by the system, the cache 
and swap being excluded.

FUNCTION GetUsedMemory() AS Integer

  DIM sRes AS String
  DIM aRes AS String[]
  DIM cVal AS NEW Collection
  DIM sVal AS String

  EXEC ["cat", "/proc/meminfo"] TO sRes

  FOR EACH sVal IN Split(sRes, "\n", "", TRUE)
    aRes = Split(sVal, " ", "", TRUE)
    cVal[Left$(aRes[0], -1)] = CInt(aRes[1])

  RETURN cVal!MemTotal - cVal!MemFree - cVal!Buffers - cVal!Cached + 
cVal!SwapTotal - cVal!SwapFree - cVal!SwapCached


PRINT Subst("Used memory: &1 bytes", GetUsedMemory())

but the gbc2 return me:

gbc: project file not found: /gambas_prove/.project

Where I made mistake ?


Salut Matteo, 

correct me if I'm wrong, I'v never dit anything with gambas-script.
You have a "gbc2" file, but your file-header says #!/usr/bin/ gbs2
( why that space )

That's what I'v remarked!
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