> Benoît Minisini ha scritto:
> >> Benoît Minisini ha scritto:
> >>>>> I am modifying an old program, which uses a TableView to construct an
> >>>>> invoice.
> >>>>> The tableview is almost always in edit mode.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> With gambas version 2.0.0, the original version I used to write the
> >>>>> program, there is no problem (not this one).
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Now I upgraded to gambas v. 2.15 (debian package gambas2 2.15.2-1),
> >>>>> running on a debian "stable" release.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> When in the tableview (in edit mode) I press an arrow key, the cursor
> >>>>> slips on every possible cell in the request direction, until it finds
> >>>>> the end of the tableview. But this is not enough: if the cursor key
> >>>>> is Left or Right, the cell walking goes even further, wrapping to the
> >>>>> next or previous row and restarting.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I created an executable, and it behaves the same.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Then I copied the executable to another machine, having gbx2 version
> >>>>> 2.0.0, and the problem does not show up.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The program uses explicitly QT; both machines have libqt-mt.so.3.3.8
> >>>>> installed, and the same debian "stable" os, and I use both machines
> >>>>> from a third machine running an X11 server (XMing). So it seems the
> >>>>> problem is related to gambas.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I send a sample project that shows the problem. Launch the
> >>>>> application, click on the Tableview to focus it, and press a cursor
> >>>>> key. The cursor will travel in the requested direction 'til the end
> >>>>> of the grid.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> What can I do about this? I was very very reluctant to upgrade
> >>>>> gambas; but I reached a point where I could no more install or
> >>>>> upgrade my system. Even when trying to install a simple htop(1) from
> >>>>> debian repositories, I was told to upgrade some fu*ing library, which
> >>>>> in turn meant to upgrade gambas, which in turn meant to upgrade QT,
> >>>>> GTK, poppler, libc, libc-bin... well, *hundreds* of packages. I will
> >>>>> contact the debian mantainer about this - I don't care about
> >>>>> postgres, firebird, curl, smtp, opengl, sdl, v4l, xml and things. It
> >>>>> seems that to install gambas on debian one must pull in all the
> >>>>> world. The other machine, having the old version of gambas, has no
> >>>>> problems - I copied the gambas binaries directly, instead of
> >>>>> installing them from packages. I can install and upgrade, and
> >>>>> everything runs smoothly. Sorry for the debian-related blow.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Regards,
> >>>>> Doriano
> >>>>
> >>>> OK, I understand the problem.
> >>>>
> >>>> The TableView is designed so that editing a cell must be decided in
> >>>> the Click event. Otherwise, if the Edit method is not called during a
> >>>> Click event, keyboard events automatically jump them.
> >>>>
> >>>> You must call the Edit method inside the Click event, not the GotFocus
> >>>>  event.
> >>>>
> >>>> Before, keyboard events never ignored cells, so things were working
> >>>>  normally.
> >>>>
> >>>> Regards,
> >>>
> >>> I filled the documentation with that information for other having the
> >>> same problem.
> >>
> >> Did you try the attached project?
> >
> > Yes. Did you try what I told you to do?
> >
> >> I tried it once more on another machine: debian stable version 5.0.3,
> >> libqt-mt.so.3.3.8, and gambas version 2.15.2; the error *does not* show
> >> up, with the edit call in the GotFocus event. I just used the project
> >> attached in the previous mail.
> >
> > The problem is not in the GotFocus event handler. You must call Edit in
> > the Click event handler, otherwise, when pressing an arrow key, all cells
> > will be assumed as not editable.
> >
> > Then, you can use Edit() in the GotFocus event handler if you want too.
> > But that is optional.
> >
> > Regards,
> I repeat.
> I wrote:
> > Well, tried several different setups - no problems. Implemented the
> > Save event, and all is work as intended. The edit call can be either
> > in the click event or the save event, or even the GotFocus event: it
> > is exactly the same. I attach the new project, but I think that if the
> > problem shows up somewhere, it is totally unrelated to the place where
> > the edit call is put.
> This means that I tried what you told me, and even more.
> I can say more. I took the original program, not the short sample I
> brought to the list, and it works as well. The edit call is in three
> places: the gotfocus event, the btInsert_Click and btDelete_Click
> events. The last two serve to insert and delete whole rows of the
>  tableview.
> But, this is half the problem, because in this office there is no
> problem (not *that* problem). As I can not prove anything right now, I
> will try once more where the problem appears: in the other office. Then
> I will try again what you say, and I will report results.
> Just to keep in the point: what happens if a cell is assumed as not
> editable? Does it happen that all the cells are traversed up to the end
> of the grid? Because is that that is happening to me, and others on this
> list have confirmed; I am not sure we are understanding each other.
> Anyway, I will investigate and let you know (if you are interested).
> Regards,
> Doriano

For sure there is somewhere we don't understand each other. :-)

I used a few TableView in the IDE: look at the project property dialog, in the 
environment tab. You will see how I implemented them: the insert and delete 
button, the Click, Data, Insert and Save event handlers... Please tell me the 
difference between what I did there and what you did.

When you sent me your little example, I just added a Click event handler with 
a call to Edit() inside, and everything worked as expected.

And if things works on some computers without change, maybe they use an old 
version of Gambas (< 2.13).


Benoît Minisini

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