Norarg a écrit :

PLS avoid cross-posting: open a new post by adressing to 

> I would like to try out newer releases of Gambas, fox. 3.0. I had some 
> problems with other releases in the past - in the end gambas did not 
> work at all. I have tried to figure it out, but did not found what I am 
> looking for: does a SVN substitute a stable version, or do they "live" 
> side by side? I assume, that a lot of lib's have to be changed.

usually SVN is for development:
gb2 SVN is bug fixing and adding new features, new stable versions comes
 from it when the developer decide it is good enough for release,
gb3 SVN is pure dev and change almost every day.

> I ask this, because I don't want to mess up the system - again :) 
> Meanwhile I am perfect in setting up Ubuntu from the ground... lol what 
> a heavy part ... but my internet-connection is that slow, I need two 
> days to download the newest lib's and changes from ubuntu after the 

well, if you're so slow forget about building gb: you'll need many dev
libs, and the total isn't light weight (the only reason would be to test
gb3, or because you absolutely need a gb2 fix or new feature.)

> ground installation. (And please don't tell me, get a faster 
> internet-connection, one do not get it on the country-side of argentina).

may be this could help you (depending on the budget you can&|want engage)

> thanks in advance,

Our friends from land where flying dragons comes from are very welcome :D

Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found
difficult and not tried.
                -- G. K. Chesterton

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