> Do you use Gambas 3 ? Do you use the latest revision ?
That would have been useful information to add, sorry. I tried both 
Gambas 2.18 and Gambas 3 svn (updated today).
> Editor.Flags[Editor.ShowModifiedLines] = False
> Editor.Flags[Editor.ShowCurrentLine] = False
> Regards,
That is what I was using, sorry if I am missing something basic.

Here is what I tried, FMain has an Editor control named Editor1 and in the
Form_Open Sub ()
   Editor1.Text = File.Load("test.txt")
   Editor1.Flags[Editor.ShowModifiedLines] = False
   Editor1.Flags[Editor.ShowCurrentLine] = False

I wasn't sure if I needed Editor1.Reset, but tried it.

Also I copied the Highlight example and tried to turn off 
ShowModifiedLines, still can't make it work. As soon as it loads a file 
the Editor1 background becomes white.


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