> Thanks for responding Jussi,
> The image is a result of an image.load previously in the code.
> It may have been loaded as a gif, jpg, png or bmp.
> 'this works ok
> imgfile = user.home &/ "tmpfile.jpg"
>      imageout.Save(imgfile)
> '------------------
> 'this works ok
> imgfile = user.home &/ "tmpfile.png"
>      imageout.Save(imgfile)
> '------------------
> ' this does not work. error message say 'cannot save file'
> imgfile = user.home &/ "tmpfile.gif"
>      imageout.Save(imgfile)
> I have written a few apps in gambas, with plenty of file handling, but I
> don't generally use  gifs.
> I tried  it with images, pictures, pictureboxes. and in every case I can
> save anything but a gif.
> Its driving me nuts.
> I cannot see any other postings about this problem. So I guess it must
> be something with my setup.
> Have you any ideas of what to try next?
> Regards
> Les Hardy

In Gambas 2, the image save function is managed by the GUI component: which 
one do you use? gb.qt or gb.gtk?

I know, for example, that Qt can be compiled without GIF support. So on a 
system with Qt compiled that way, Gambas projects using gb.qt won't be able to 
deal with gif files.


Benoît Minisini

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