> Hi all
> I am experimenting with the GB_DIR environment variable, and I've made a
> deb package with my program to install it in /opt. The current dir
> structure is as follows:
> je...@jesus:~$ tree /opt
> /opt
> `-- dfhlog
>     |-- dfhlog.gambas
>     `-- gambas2
>         |-- bin
>         |
>         |   |-- gbr2 -> gbx2
>         |
>         |   `-- gbx2
>         `-- lib
>             `-- gambas2
>                 |-- gb.component
>                 |-- gb.corba.component
>                 |-- ... etc
>                 ...etc...
> I am calling my executable from a bash script located in /usr/local/bin
> je...@jesus:~$ cat /usr/local/bin/dfhlog
> #!/bin/sh
> export PATH=/opt/dfhlog/gambas2/bin
> export GB_DIR=/opt/dfhlog/gambas2
> exec /opt/dfhlog/dfhlog.gambas
> (In this case, LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not used, because they already are in
> my system).
> When I execute 'dfhlog' from the console the main form is shown, but I
> got the error:
> je...@jesus:~$ dfhlog
> global.?.0: #7: Overflow
> (Also a message box is displayed with the error)
> However my application runs fine when using the standard paths as always.
> Am I missing something? Which is "Overflow" error related to?
> Regards,
> Jesús

Can you compile the gambas project (dfhlog.gambas) with debugging information 
included? Then maybe you will have the line number where the overflow error 

Benoît Minisini

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