I use Ubuntu 9.10 with Gambas 2.13 and I try the gb.report.
All is running good, however I can't create a page 2 or more in the
Is it possible two create more pages (pagebreak)?

Thanks in advance,

Here my code:

' Gambas module file

PRIVATE hCon AS NEW Connection
PRIVATE hResult AS Result
PRIVATE hReport AS Report

  hcon.Close() ' sure is sure
  hcon.host = "localhost"
  hCon.User = "root"
  hCon.Type = "mysql"
  hcon.Name = "test"
  hcon.Password = "mysql_password"
  hResult = hcon.Find("test", "active=1", TRUE)

  ' GB 2.13 Error if more as 10 DS:
  ' The Program has stopped unexpectedly by raising signal #11
  ' (This is not a bug in your project, but a bug in the interpreter.)
  ' hint:

PRIVATE SUB InitReport()

  DIM hLabel AS ReportLabel
  DIM hField AS ReportField
  DIM hHbox AS ReportHBox
  DIM hEmpty AS ReportHBox
  DIM hVBox AS ReportVBox
  DIM hSpecialField AS ReportSpecialField

  Report.Size = "A4"
  Report.LineStyle = line.Solid
  Report.Padding = "1 cm"
  Report.Resolution = Desktop.Resolution

    ' Header
    hLabel = NEW ReportLabel(Report)
    hLabel.Text = "REPORT TEST"
    hLabel.Height = "2.5 cm"
    hLabel.Alignment = Align.Center
    hLabel.Font.Size = 25
    hLabel.LineStyle = Line.Solid
    hLabel.FillColor = Color.LightGray
    hLabel.FillStyle = Fill.Solid

    hVBox = NEW ReportVBox(Report)
    hVBox.Height = "1 cm"

    hReport = NEW Report(Report)
    hReport.Expand = TRUE
     'to do
     'hReport.Count = hResult.Count

' Abstand zwischen den DS
hReport.Spacing = "0.2 cm"

FOR EACH hResult

      hVBox = NEW ReportVBox(hReport)
      hVBox.Height = "1.5 cm"
      hVBox.Padding = "0.2 cm"
      hVBox.LineStyle = Line.Solid

        hHbox = NEW ReportHBox(hVBox)
        hHbox.Height = "0.5 cm"

          hLabel = NEW ReportLabel(hHbox)
          hLabel.Text = "Name:"
          hLabel.Width = "2 cm"
          hLabel.Font.Bold = TRUE

          hField = NEW ReportField(hHbox)
          hField.MaxLength = 40
          hField.LineStyle = Line.Solid
          hField.Width = "4 cm"
          hField.Font.Bold = TRUE
          hField.Data = hResult!name

          hEmpty = NEW ReportHBox(hHbox)
          hEmpty.Expand = TRUE

          hLabel = NEW ReportLabel(hHbox)
          hLabel.Text = "Geburtstag:"
          hField = NEW ReportField(hHbox)
          hField.Width = "2 cm"
          hField.Data = hResult!birth

          hHbox = NEW ReportHBox(hVBox)
          hHbox.Height = "0.5 cm"

          hLabel = NEW ReportLabel(hHbox)
          hLabel.Text = "Vorname:"
          hLabel.Width = "2 cm"
          hLabel.ForeColor = color.Gray

          hField = NEW ReportField(hHbox)
          hField.MaxLength = 40
          hField.LineStyle = Line.Solid
          hField.Width = "4 cm"
          hField.Font.Italic = TRUE
          hField.ForeColor = color.Gray
          hField.Data = hResult!firstname


    hSpecialField = NEW ReportSpecialField(Report)

    hSpecialField.Text = "Seite $PAGE / $NPAGE"
    hSpecialField.Height = "1 cm"
    hSpecialField.Alignment = align.Center

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