On 17/01/10 00:27, Pino Zollo wrote:
> Il sabato 16 gennaio 2010 12:21:09 gambas-user-requ...@lists.sourceforge.net 
> ha scritto:
>>>               Disp.DisRes.Text = Disp.DisRes.Text & "~~~~~~~~~"
>>>             INC i
>>>          LOOP
>>>          ' CBCommand.Clear
>>>          ' CBComm2.Clear
>>>          FOR EACH Element IN Lista
>>>               PRINT Lista.Key;; "   ";; Lista[Lista.key][1];; "   ";;
>>> Lista[Lista.key][0] PRINT Lista.Key;; "   ";; Element[1];; "   ";;
>>> Element[0]
>>>               ' SELECT CASE Element[1]
>>>               '    CASE "n:s"
>>>               '      CBCommand.Add(Lista.Key)
>>>               '    CASE "s:n"
>>>               '      CBComm2.Add(Lista.Key)
>>>               ' END SELECT
>>>          NEXT  
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>> I look at the code above and wonder abount the first 2 lines.
>> Say i is 3 and count is 6. When it loops you get the following:
>>     i        count
>>     3        6
>>     4        5
>> end of loop
>> because the Pop in the second line reduces count. Is that what you wanted?
> Hi Werner,
> Sorry for the previous wrong "Object"....
> Yes definitively it takes to eliminate the INC i instruction....
> The main problems remains....now the 119th string is always printed:
> i.e. "  A:n     Returns the list of methods.  "
> While the first column, the key, is correct.
> -----------------------
> fldigi.version_struct     A:n     Returns the list of methods.
> fldigi.version_struct     A:n     Returns the list of methods.
> fldigi.name     A:n     Returns the list of methods.
> fldigi.name     A:n     Returns the list of methods.
> fldigi.list     A:n     Returns the list of methods.
> fldigi.list     A:n     Returns the list of methods.
> -----------------------
> Regards
> Pino
Like Charlie mentioned, it would be helpful if you supplied a small
subproject that shows the problem, along with test data, if needed.

Personally, my debugging style is to step through the code or use
breakpoints at strategic locations. Then I inspect the variables that
are being used in that section to compare with what values I expect them
to contain.

For expressions like myArray.Count you highlight the expression and the
debugger will show you the value.

The Gambas debugger is fantastic.


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