Am Freitag, den 02.04.2010, 22:34 +0100 schrieb Chris Dunworth:
> Hi All,
> Don't know if I'm doing something wrong or there is a bug
> Using Gambas 2.16  on SLAX 6.1.2  Linux Kernel
> Graphical application with Network programming option
> My class file
> ****************************************************************************************************
>  Gambas class file
> PUBLIC MySock AS Socket
> PUBLIC SUB Button1_Click()
>   DIM sBuf AS String
>   MySock = NEW Socket
>   'MySock.Connect("localhost", 8080)
>   MySock.Connect("/var/run/gtm2")
>   PRINT "status1" & MySock.Status
>   DO WHILE (MySock.Status <> 7) AND (MySock.Status > 0)
>     WAIT 0.1
>   LOOP
>   PRINT " Status = " & MySock.Status
>   IF MySock.Status <> 7 THEN
>     PRINT "Error <>7 " & MySock.Status
>     QUIT
>   END IF
>  PRINT "socket opened"
>   sBuf = "Hello over there.\n"
>   WRITE #MySock, sBuf, Len(sBuf)
>   DO WHILE Lof(MySock) = 0
>     WAIT 0.1
>   LOOP
>   READ #MySock, sBuf, Lof(MySock)
>   PRINT sBuf
>   CLOSE #MySock
> '-------------------------------------------------------------
> PUBLIC SUB Button2_Click()
> DIM sOutput AS String
> EXEC ["python", ""] TO sOutput
> PRINT sOutput
> '>>>>>>>>>>>>>  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> 'import socket
> '
> 's = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
> 's.connect("/var/run/gtm2")
> '
> 'data = s.recv(1024)
> 's.close()
> 'PRINT 'recvd ', repr(data)
> '>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> **********************************************************************************************************************
> This calls a script via inetd that just sends a message and terminates
> The script is verified as working using ( code above )
> When run va Button2 works as expected
> When run via Button1 give errors thus
> status15
>  Status = -6
> Error <>7 -6
> WARNING: circular references detected
> FMain (1)
> Mutex destroy failure: Device or resource 
> busy------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> WARNING: 10 allocation(s) non freed.
> If tcp socket is used to connect to script then Button1 code works OK
> Can anybody help
> Thanks
> Chris Dunworth
> BTW superb product, keep up the good work


as you use a very old version, please look at

if a new version would not be better to use!


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