On Monday 05 April 2010, Kadaitcha Man wrote:
> On 5 April 2010 17:19, kobolds <kobo...@singnet.com.sg> wrote:
> >
> > here how you do the test on IDE
> >
> > 1. create a form (768x1024)
> > 2. drag a panel into the form (make sure it big)
> > 3. drag a picbox into the panel (same size as panel) so the picbox cover the
> > whole panel
> > 4. drag 9 buttons on it ( on top of picbox)
> > 5. change button1 width and height to 100x80
> > 6. select the rest of buttons and do alignment same width and same height
> > 7.  check the widthxheight of the buttons . you will notice all change to
> > other value (not 100x80)
> >
> > hope this will help
> Probably not. Who is going to do all that when you could post the code 
> yourself?

It is a problem that occurs durring the make of the form.
If he send it predone you do not experience the same behviour.

Second, when he send it should be a complete project else
other people start to complain. It is not a real problem 
to add a form in one of the many trial and error projects 
everyone have laying arround for test the told story by Richard.

Many times it make sence to do what you suggest but for this
one it isn't a absolute must do IMHO. 

Best regards,



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