Hi there, I don't have a program to offer you. All my old code is in 
other languages.
I did however write a little working example for you.
You will need to use port, not parport0.
For some reason that is unknown to me, I too, am unable to get parport 
to work correctly from gambas.

I tested the code below, and it does work. I ran it a few times on a 
system with Ubuntu 9.04, gambas 2.20, and a little parallel port tester 
I made 20 years ago.

Unless you have already sorted out permission to access 'port', you will 
need to be root to run it, either start gambas as root, or compile it 
and then run the executable as root.

' Gambas module file
DIM pport AS File
DIM bi, bo AS Byte

pport = OPEN "/dev/port" FOR READ WRITE

FOR bo = 32 TO 122
  SEEK #pport, 888
  WRITE #pport, bo
  SEEK #pport, 888
  READ #pport, bi
  PRINT Chr(bi) & " "
  WAIT 0.05
 CLOSE #pport


Just a quick mention about seek on ports.
Seek simply takes you to the port address. Notice I used a seek before 
each read or write.

888  (0x378): Data
889  (0x379): Status
890  0x37A) : Control

Hope this helps
Les Hardy

Bjorn Macintosh wrote:
> Hi all,
> Does anyone have a program that interfaces with the parallel port, one
> written in Gambas.  If you do would you be willing to share this program
> with me as I am trying to write a parallel port interface and am struggling
> to get my head around a few concepts.  mainly how to write to the port and
> how to select pin's base 0 base1 and base2.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I sent a post two days ago holding
> the full details on my program and what I am trying to do if you  need any
> clarification.
> Thanks
> Bjorn Macintosh

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