> You can use htonl/ntohl from external libs.
> A very quick example below. Please correct me if I got it wrong.
> ' Gambas module file
> PUBLIC EXTERN htonl(ln AS Long) AS Long IN "libc:6"
> PUBLIC EXTERN ntohl(ln AS Long) AS Long IN "libc:6"
> DIM ln, lh AS Integer
> ln = 1193046
> PRINT "Input: " & ln
> PRINT "Input (hex): " & Hex(ln, 8)
> lh = htonl(ln) ' to BigEndian
> PRINT "BigEndian: " & lh
> PRINT "BigEndian (hex): " & Hex$(lh, 8)
> ln = ntohl(lh) ' back to LittleEndian
> PRINT "LittleEndian: " & ln
> PRINT "LittleEndian (hex): " & Hex$(ln, 8)
> Regards
> Les Hardy
> Mohammad Razeghi wrote:
> > Hi
> > 
> > I am looking for c++ htonl function equal in gambas can any one help
> > please ?
> > 
> > Thanks ...

As the network byte order seems to be Big Endian, you can set the ByteOrder 
property of your socket to gb.BigEndian.

Logically, you should not have to use htonl() or ntohl(), so I'm curious why 
you need these functions.


Benoît Minisini

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