To run a stepper we need 2 pins: one for direction: 0 is clckwise, 5V is 
Second pin is for stepping. I have to bring 5V and keep it for 200 nanosec or 
more with WAIT1 SUB then bring 0V, and then I need precise amount of time to 
wait. It has to be precise because speed of machine depends on it
I have to wait let say between 100 and 10000 microsec. If I wait 100microsec 
machine will move at 10 inch per sec which is maximum I need

Here is how I do it in VB6 on win2000 (On winXP it is not smooth I feel machine 
will fall apart, and there is not help for this I try everything, only solution 
is WinXPembedded):
Public Sub WAIT1(w As Long)
Dim kf As Long
For kf = 1 To w
Next kf
End Sub
Public Sub WAIT2(s As Double)
Dim c1 As Currency
Dim c2 As Currency
QueryPerformanceCounter c1
QueryPerformanceCounter c2
Loop Until ((c2 - c1 - overhead) / freq) > s
End Sub
'run this at begining of the program to measure freq 
Public Sub OVER()
Dim CT1 As Currency
Dim CT2 As Currency
QueryPerformanceFrequency freq
QueryPerformanceCounter CT1
QueryPerformanceCounter CT2
overhead = (CT2 - CT1) / freq
End Sub
Public freq As Currency
Public overhead As Currency

--- On Sun, 4/18/10, Doriano Blengino <> wrote:

> From: Doriano Blengino <>
> Subject: Re: [Gambas-user] Did anybody try to run stepper motors through 
> paralel port
> To: "mailing list for gambas users" <>
> Received: Sunday, April 18, 2010, 11:27 AM
> Les Hardy ha scritto:
> > Zelimir Ikovic wrote:
> >   
> >> I have VB6 program that run CNC plasma machine. It
> work very well and smooth under win200, but in WinXP machine
> motion is not good. 
> >>
> >> It doesnot help if I set REALTIME prority for the
> process ...
> >>
> >> How about Linux and Gambas? Daes it depent on
> version of Linux ...
> >>
> >> What is resolution for Gambas Timer? Can I wait 10
> microsec do something wait 10 microsec and so on ...
> >>
> >> Regards
> >>     
> Uhm... under linux, no matter what version, you can use the
> parallel 
> port and high resolution timers, but... 10 us? What is the
> speed of your 
> motor(s)?
> Anyway, I see it difficult to do it in gambas, mainly
> because of tight 
> GUI integration and impossibility to use interrupts; the
> best way would 
> be to separate hi-level logic from lo-level timing, perhaps
> through a 
> library written in C.
> -- 
> Doriano Blengino
> "Listen twice before you speak.
> This is why we have two ears, but only one mouth."
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