Hello List,

This may not be a fully gambas question just I don't know who to ask for
help - sorry for posting it here.

I try to switch my measurement from windows XP (VB) to Ubuntu 9.10. This
program takes several (3, for the moment) equipments connected to a PC
through serial ports.
It works correctly under XP and I succeeded to make (an even nicer :-)
program in gambas for ubuntu. It also works well... as long as I use the
serial ports integrated on the motherboard.

I have some serial port cards we added later for having enough interface.
>From the gtkterm they seems working with short commands so I was optimistic.
But when I send more data from my program they seems not arriving correctly.

Is there anybody who works with serial ports under ubuntu (with gambas)? A
little help would be highly appreciated.

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