> Hi Bill,
> Yes, it is.
> I have developed a little test app for you that shows this in action.
> Module1 is set as the Startup Class, in place of the more normal Form.
> As it's the Startup Class, main() gets run automatically when you start
> the program.  First thing it does is instantiate the TrayIcon and give
> it a tool tip so you know it's working.
> Very important is the following Object.Attach line as this ensures your
> module captures the events raised by the TrayIcon.  

No need to use Object.Attach(), as there is a syntax for that. Look at the 
documentation of the NEW instruction.

> This is normally not
> necessary when you stick a control on a Form, as the Attach is
> automatic.  Then we make sure the TrayIcon gets Shown.
> After this, we instantiate a dummy form (I couldn't see any way around
> this... Benoit??) 

You need a window to create a menu, that's true.

> and then start to define our menus.  The top-level
> menu has the dummy form set as its parent (also important that the dummy
> form has been instantiated (using NEW Form)...but it doesn't need to be
> [...]
> P.S.  The full code for Module1 is as follows:
> ' Gambas module file
> PRIVATE MyTrayIcon AS TrayIcon
> PRIVATE MyMenu AS Menu
> PRIVATE MySubMenu1 AS Menu
> PRIVATE MySubMenu2 AS Menu
> PRIVATE MySubMenu3 AS Menu
> PRIVATE MyDummyForm AS Form
> PUBLIC SUB main()
>   MyTrayIcon = NEW TrayIcon

-----------------------------> AS "MyTrayIcon"

>   MyTrayIcon.Tooltip = "Hi from Gambas"
>   Object.Attach(MyTrayIcon, ME, "MyTrayIcon")

...and you can remove the previous line.

You can do that for all instanciations below.

>   MyTrayIcon.Show
>   MyDummyForm = NEW Form
>   MyMenu = NEW Menu(MyDummyForm, FALSE)
>   MyMenu.Caption = "TrayMenu"
>   MyMenu.Tag = "TrayMenu"
>   MyMenu.Name = "TrayMenu"
>   MySubMenu1 = NEW Menu(MyMenu, FALSE)
>   MySubMenu1.Caption = "Status"
>   MySubMenu1.Tag = "Status"
>   MySubMenu1.Name = "mnuStatus"
>   Object.Attach(MySubMenu1, ME, "MyMenu1")
>   MySubMenu2 = NEW Menu(MyMenu, FALSE)
>   MySubMenu2.Caption = "Show Main"
>   MySubMenu2.Tag = "ShowMain"
>   MySubMenu2.Name = "mnuShowMain"
>   Object.Attach(MySubMenu2, ME, "MyMenu2")
>   MySubMenu3 = NEW Menu(MyMenu, FALSE)
>   MySubMenu3.Caption = "Exit Program"
>   MySubMenu3.Tag = "Exit"
>   MySubMenu3.Name = "mnuExit"
>   Object.Attach(MySubMenu3, ME, "MyMenu3")
> PUBLIC SUB MyTrayIcon_Menu()
>     MyMenu.Popup()
> PUBLIC SUB MyMenu1_Click()
>   Message.Info("Your program is: RUNNING")
> PUBLIC SUB MyMenu2_Click()
>   FMain.Show
> PUBLIC SUB MyMenu3_Click()
>   QUIT

Do not use QUIT in GUI programs. Just close your form.



Benoît Minisini

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