it's utf8 use :

String.Instr instead Intr

2010/4/28 linus <>:
> Hi all,
> I'm using a TextArea in a little project like a Text Editor.
> When I add the part of code to search in the text of this TextArea, I
> have a problem during search text whith the command 'instr'.
> In fact, when this command find accented characters, it count 2
> characters instead of 1 and the position of the search at the end it
> false.
> Does any body have an explication about this problem please ?
> Joined the code to search in the TextArea
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Public SAVMARKER as Interger
> Public Button1_Click()
>  SearchTextInEditor(1)
> End
> PUBLIC SUB SearchTextInEditor(MODE AS Integer)
>  ' MODE: 0  => From the beginning of the text
>  ' MODE: 1  => After the last search
>  DIM IndexCarac AS Integer
>  DIM CaracTexte AS String
>  DIM IndexRecherche AS Integer
>  DIM LongueurRecherche AS Integer
>  TextBox39.Text = Replace(TextBox39.Text, "\"", "")
>  TextBox40.text = Replace(TextBox40.text, "\"", "")
>  IF TextArea1.Length > 0 THEN
>    IF TextBox39.text = "" THEN
>      Message.Warning(("Please entrer text to search !"), ("Close"))
>      RETURN
>    END IF
>    Application.Busy = 1
>      CASE 0
>        ' search from the beginning of the text
>        SAVMARKER = 0
>        IF ToggleButton5.Value = TRUE THEN
>          ' Use the case sensitive
>          IndexRecherche = InStr(TextArea1.Text, TextBox39.Text,
> SAVMARKER, gb.Text)
>        ELSE
>          ' No case sensitive
>          IndexRecherche = InStr(Lower$(TextArea1.Text), Lower
> $(TextBox39.Text), SAVMARKER, gb.Text)
>        END IF
>        IF IndexRecherche > 0 THEN
>          $TextEditor.Select(IndexRecherche - 1, Len(TextBox39.Text))
>          $TextEditor.EnsureVisible()
>          SAVMARKER = IndexRecherche + Len(TextBox39.Text)
>          PRINT "IndexRecherche=" & IndexRecherche
>          IF SAVMARKER > TextArea1.Length THEN
>            SAVMARKER = TextArea1.Length
>          END IF
>          LongueurRecherche = Len(TextBox39.Text)
>        ELSE
>          Application.Busy = 0
>          Message.Info(("Search finished. End of list attained."),
> ("Close"))
>          RETURN
>        END IF
>      CASE 1
>        ' Search following ...
>        IF ToggleButton5.Value = TRUE THEN
>          ' Use the case sensitive
>          IndexRecherche = InStr(TextArea1.Text, TextBox39.Text,
> SAVMARKER, gb.Text)
>        ELSE
>          ' Ne pas tenir compte de la casse
>          IndexRecherche = InStr(Lower$(TextArea1.Text), Lower
> $(TextBox39.Text), SAVMARKER, gb.Text)
>        END IF
>        IF IndexRecherche > 0 THEN
>          TextArea1.Select((IndexRecherche - 1), Len(TextBox39.Text))
>          SAVMARKER = IndexRecherche + Len(TextBox39.Text)
>          IF SAVMARKER > TextArea1.Length THEN
>            SAVMARKER = TextArea1.Length
>          END IF
>        ELSE
>          Application.Busy = 0
>          Message.Info(("Search finished. End of list attained."),
> ("Close"))
>          RETURN
>        END IF
>  Application.Busy = 0
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thank you in advance.
> --
> Olivier CRUILLES
> Email:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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