> Hi Benoit,
> I put together the small project with 2 level of TabStrip controls and with
> tableview controls on some of them.
> First it seemed to work perfectly... but finally I could reproduce the
> effect on my computer.
> When the app starts up then (normally) the controls resize correctly. Just
> after keep your eyes on one of the tableviews and resize the form (I just
> change from maximized to normal window and back).
> The tableview I look at behaves normally. But when I check the others they
> have the size corresponds to the normal window size.
> Will be interesting to see if the same happens for you or if you find a
> silly mistake in the code.
> For the moment I didn't put any refreshing - I did it in the project I work
> on but didn't help.
> Regards,
> Robi


I saw the problem now, and noticed that I don't get it with Qt 4 in Gambas 3. 
I will see if I can find a workaround for Gambas 2...

Benoît Minisini


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