El 31/05/10 00:11, Benoît Minisini escribió:
>> ouch old bug from the ubuntu staff... tell them
> Yes. The name of a package is "gambas2" followed by the name of the 
> component, 
> the points being replaced by dashes.
> So: gb.db.sqlite3 => gambas2-gb-db-sqlite3.
> Without following that scheme, the IDE packager cannot work. The names must 
> match between the IDE and the package repository!
> And, for once, everything is clearly documented at 
> http://gambasdoc.org/help/howto/package for packagers with a link on the wiki 
> main page. So I don't know why the Ubuntu packager made that mistake. Gambas 
> Ubuntu packages have never been correct until now, and you or another Ubuntu 
> user must report the bug.
> <troll>
> Maybe it is more important for us to move the Metacity window close button 
> between each version and make that an important feature. :-)
> </troll>
> Regards,
Ok, good to know, so I was wrong. I will report this to the Ubuntu staff.



Jesus, EA7DFH


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