On Tuesday 27 July 2010 09:16:23 kevinfishburne wrote:

I've found this is a problem with gambas/qt, I've many many many dozens of 
forms in my project (lost count), some of which pull quite a bit of data from 
a postgresql backend.

As a work-a-round suggested by someone else on the list - on forms which are 
'doing alot' at startup - I put a timer on the form and in timer1_timer, put 
all the code you want to execute once the gui is visible, and set its interval 
to an appropriate amount to let the gui finish first.

Works a treat - just experiment with the time required.



> Benoît Minisini wrote:
> > You enter the event loop once the Main() function is finished. Why do you
> > want
> > to display a form before? It's weird too!
> I want the form to display as soon as the program is run, basically.
> I have the Form_Open procedure immediately execute several procedures,
>  which takes about 20 seconds, but would like the form to show before the
>  procedures execute so the user knows the program has been run. GTK shows
>  the form as soon as I do FormMain.Show/WAIT 0.5, but QT doesn't show the
>  form until it has exited Form_Open. Here's the code:
> PUBLIC SUB Form_Open()
>   ' General initialization.
>   ' Show the main form.
>   FormMain.Show
>   WAIT 0.5
>   ' Create config directories.
>   IF Exist(User.Home & "/.Sanctimonia") = FALSE THEN MKDIR User.Home &
> "/.Sanctimonia"
>   ' Create temporary elevation files.
>   Elevation.Temp_File_Create
>   Tile.Temp_File_Create
>   ' Update preview with old data from elevation file.
>   Preview.Refresh
>   ' Load elevation template into preview cache (remove when finished
> debugging).
>   Elevation.Template_Load("default.png")
> I wonder if ultimately there is a way to better ensure consistency between
> GTK and QT. I don't know how each is specifically implemented, but I've
> noticed several discrepancies between the two along GAMBAS's development.
> -----
> Kevin Fishburne, Eight Virtues
> www:  http://sales.eightvirtues.com http://sales.eightvirtues.com
> e-mail:  mailto:sa...@eightvirtues.com sa...@eightvirtues.com
> phone: (770) 853-6271

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