2010/9/2 Doriano Blengino <doriano.bleng...@fastwebnet.it>:
> I agree - consistency; but the center question is the AutoResize
> property. If it is true by default, then the widget should show as soon
> as its text property is set to something "visible". If it is false, then
> the widget should not resize and, doing so, it should keep its default
> size. If its default size is zero, then the widget is invisible. The
> Autoresize seems to default to false, so gtk seems more logical.

I think that have no sense that a graphic object is initialized to
(0,0,0,0), because make not sense that it become invisible in its
initial state. There's no logic in that. The purpose of a control is
showing something, so its initial state shouldn't be one that it
become invisible.

I think about this goal can be achieved by making TRUE the default
value of AutoResize property in the control Label, that make sense
especially in this case because Labels always should show the value of
its Text property (show a half string o just a part make no sense.
Right?). So, default AutoResize = False go against the purpose of the
Label control.

> Anyway, I believe that interactive editing of a form, and creatiaon of
> controls by code, are two different situations, with different
> requirements.

Yes, they are two differents situations. But, what those diferent requirements?

> Consistency is desirable, if it does not clash with
> something else more important.

I agree. But I don't see clash between consistency and anything else
in this case.

Consistency matters because allow predict behaviors, but never can go
against the logical behavior of a object. So in this case consistency
and logical behavior of the control Label match, if the default value
to AutoResize is TRUE.


Fabián Flores Vadell

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