> Rob Kudla wrote:
> > Someone on linuxbasic.net asked for a way to read a joystick in
> > Gambas.  I couldn't find anything in the SDL component for that
> > purpose, so I wrote a minimal class that reads from the raw device,
> > parses the data into something useful, and throws events.  I wrote a
> > program to demonstrate it as well.
> Referenced from:
> http://old.nabble.com/Gambas-class-to-read-a-joystick-td15794466.html#a1579
> 7006
> Hi Rob. Thanks for the awesome code. It was the only method I could find
> for reading a gamepad in GAMBAS. I've since integrated it into my own
> program and thought I'd list it here for folks who need to monitor
> asynchronous button presses along with stick input.
> ...

You should put that on the wiki, that may interest some people.

Benoît Minisini

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