Well, settings it is a real file that you can use with other programs. It is
built like
[One chapter]
first entry = "some text"
another entry = "another text"
[Another chapter]
1="something else"

Of course, you can read that with another program if you know where the
information is stored.

And, about Gambas 2 and 3:
If you are a beginner with Gambas, you should not waste time learning Gambas 2.
Install Gambas 3, it is stable, it is better, and it is the soon coming version.


Am 10.11.2010 20:04, schrieb NW:

> Thanks for that. It is something I must learn about. However, in this case I 
> do need a real file because it will then be used by another program. So much 
> to learn about Gambs2 and now you are using version 3!!
> Regards
> Neil

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