Le mardi 23 novembre 2010 11:45:47, vikram a écrit :
> Hi,
> How do i display a "wait" cursor while a process is running? I have tried
> using
>     ME.mouse = Mouse.Wait
> without much luck.
> Heres a code snippet:
> ------------------------
>   ME.mouse = Mouse.Wait
>   Application.Busy = 1
>   command = "sha512sum " & filePath & "|awk '{print $1}' "
>   SHELL command TO checksum
>   checksum = Left(checksum, Len(checksum) - 1) 'strip \n
>   txta_checksum.Text = checksum
>   Application.busy = 0
>   ME.Mouse = Mouse.DEFAULT
> ------------------------
> I am using Gambas 2.21.
> Thanks,
> Vikram

You can use the Wait keyword, see http://gambasdoc.org/help/lang/shell

Something like:
SHELL command Wait TO checksum


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